8:04 PM
Indian Caller Detail is Free Application.
It is only for INDIA .
Indian Caller Detail is an application that allows you to know the Indian phone number's detail.
It works for both Landlines and Mobile.
- Application shows caller's detail when mobile is ringing (On both incoming and outgoing call).
- One can also search the number by putting phone number to search box.
- When mobile rings, it might be possible that one couldn't see what the number was. To get the caller details later, one has to just click the call-log-detail button.
- Call log list provides all the details like call duration, date, operator, city, state, country etc and facilitates to call that number, add it to contact and to send messages to it.

* Details about the Caller Location.
* Search any Mobile or Land line Number Of India.
* Supports ISD number too
* Timer on calling screen so that user will able to know, how much time is left to receive the call.
* Call log feature get the caller info later.
* All the previous call details are just a click away.
* Hold the list item to explore more options.


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